From: "Mr. Christopher Michael." <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 14:19:39 +0100
Attention Beneficiary,
Sir, i am contacting you today due to i have sent you several email
but you refuse to answer, I can see that you are now broke to the
extent that you could not afford to pay off this last fee remaining,
but the main reason why i am contacting you today is to notify you
that your funds is no more in my custody and it's no more in care of
the US Federal Protective Service (FPS).
Your funds are now the care of the FBI and they are the people i want
you to contact right now for them to use their power and make sure
your funds get to your hand this week.
All you need to do is contact Mr. Christopher A. Wray the FBI Director
on the bellow e-mail address. Includes your full contact information
such as your current home address, Phone Number, Current occupation
and attach a copy of your picture or photo. Note, your total funds are
$22,000,000.00 USD. been handed over to the FBI Office.
Here are the contact details to the FBI director, he is the one
ordered to make sure you receive this fund without any stress.
FBI Director
Mr. Christopher A. Wray.
Phone Number: +1 (415) 413-8753.
Please do let us know once you have contacted the FBI Through this
email and send them a text message through their phone number detail.
Thanks for your cooperation and good-lucks!
Mr. Christopher Michael.
HSBC Bank California.