From: Mr Frank Williams <>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 22:57:12 -0800
Subject: Very Urgent Dear Beneficiary
Attention: Beneficiary,
This is to notify all our clients about the latest development
concerning all the PAYMENT that are left in our custody. which yours
are inclusive Besides,
your were given a bill of $98in order to receive your PAYMENT of
which we didn’t hear from you for sometime now.
Hence forth our (WESTERN UNION) is now offering a Special bonus for
this End of year to help all our customers that are
having their PAYMENT in our custody due to high price. in order words
we are now requesting that those involve should pay only the sum of
$98to receive all their PAYMENT abandoned in our custody. Besides, my
dear, This is the opportunity for you and you have to comply and your
funds shall be transfer to your
destination address. But note that after (4DAYS) if you did not make
the payment of $98 then we will divert your funds to government
treasuring account to avoid problem or we will cancel the payment
because this year is not last year,
Note: That after the (FOUR DAYS ) We will enter A new project and
that is the reason why we decided to help all our customers before we
enter the new project
So be advice to send $98 immediately if you still willing to claim
your payment so that we will register your payment once we receive the
fee because you will start receiving your payment as from tomorrow
morning by 11 am our time here.
After the payment of $98 we will give you the full information to pick
up your first payment of $3,500.00 through western union until you
receive the total sum of one Million five Hundred Thousand United
State Dollars ($750,000)
So get back us with your full information so that we will give you the
information where to send the $98 to renew your payment file then you
will start receiving your funds starting from tomorrow
Your Full Name....................
Your Current Address...................
Both your office and home telephone number...............
Your City...................
Your Age.....................
your attachment of your passport...................
Your Occupation................................
Furthermore, After filling the above information then Contact us with
this Below Email Address(
Contact person/ Dr Elton West
Country/ Republic of Benin
Note: that we do this to help all our customers so don't delay because
any delay will make us to cancel your payment or divert payment to
government to avoid problem because we don't have such time to delay
I am looking forward to hear from you . immediately to enable us to
release your payment in any western union but fall to do so you will
loose your payment
I wish you good luck.
Yours in service
Mr Frank Williams