From: "Manuel Franco" <>
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2021 21:02:26 +0100
Subject: Re
Hello, I am Manuel Franco, you have a donation of $2,800,000.00. I won the =
$768 million Powerball lottery on March 27, 2019, I am donating part of it =
to five lucky people and Ten Charity organizations. You email came out vict=
orious. Contact me urgently for claims via: watc=
h my full interview here: My reasons for this=
donation is because i know how it feels to have nothing. I am doing my bes=
t to put a smile in the faces of everyone, in any way i can.
=60A8=597D=FF0C=6211=662F Manuel Franco=FF0C=60A8=6536=5230=4E86 2,800,000=
.00 =7F8E=5143=7684=6350=6B3E=3002 =6211=5728 2019 =5E74 3 =6708 27 =65E5=
=8D62=5F97=4E86 7.68 =4EBF=7F8E=5143=7684=5F3A=529B=7403=5F69=7968=FF0C=
=7684=4EBA=548C=5341=4E2A=6148=5584=7EC4=7EC7=3002 =60A8=7684=7535=5B50=
=90AE=4EF6=53D6=5F97=4E86=80DC=5229=3002 =901A=8FC7=4EE5=4E0B=65B9=5F0F=
=3002 =5728=8FD9=91CC=89C2=770B=6211=7684=5B8C=6574=91C7=8BBF=FF1Ahttps://y= =8FD9=6B21=6350=8D60=7684=539F=56E0=662F=56E0=4E3A=
=6211=77E5=9053=4EC0=4E48=90FD=6CA1=6709=7684=611F=89C9=3002 =6211=6B63=