From: "Mr Jerome H. Powell" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2021 05:59:54 -0800
Subject: Hello
Federal Reserve System New York, United States of America
Address: 33 Liberty St, New York, NY 10045, USA
Under the directives and instruction from the U.S Department of
the Treasury, we are directed to release your total sum of $15.5
million dollars which was deposited here in Federal Reserve Bank New
York, the United States of America for your payment.
We (Federal Reserve bank) has perfected all the administrative
arrangements to pay your total sum of $15.500,000.00 to you via
Cashier Check, ATM VISA CARD, by Direct Bank Deposit (Wire Transfer)
or Online Banking Transfer. (online banking gives or offers the chance
for a beneficiary to log in on our online banking website and transfer
his/her funds to a preferred bank account).
However, to proceed to the next stage of this transaction for
completion, we need your full information as stated below to enable us
to credit the $15.5 million to you as the authority has directed.
***Full name-------------
***Full Address ---------------
The above information will enable us to complete your payment by
Cashier Check or ATM VISA CARD within 48 hours. But if you prefer to
receive your payment by Direct Bank to Bank Deposit (Wire Transfer),
kindly include your bank details with the above information.
If you prefer Online Banking Transfer, then get back for our
online bank website.
Finally, you will pay a total sum of $108.00 for the approval of
your funds back documents in the U.S Court Of Federal Claims in
Washington DC, USA.
Waiting to hear from you.
Yours sincerely
Mr. Jerome H. Powell,
16th Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, Federal Reserve Bank NY USA.