From: "P.C.E Hikmet Ersek" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2021 09:44:16 +0100
Dear Beneficiary,
This is to inform you that we have sent your first payment of
$5,000.00 (Five Thousand dollars) through Western Union as we have
been given the mandate to transfer
your full compensation fund of $4.5Million Dollars via Western Union
by the United Nations Government.I called to give you the information
through phone but we could
not reach you even this morning.
So,I was instructed to email you the payment information which include
Reference (Money Transfer Control Number) and sender's name,so that
you can pick up your payment
of $5,000.00 to enable us send another payment of $5,000.00 by
tomorrow as you know we shall be sending you only $5,000.00 per day.
Please copy this payment information below and go to any Western Union
office/outlet closer to you to receive this payment of $5,000.00 and
get back to us to send you another payment by tomorrow. Use the below
info to pick up your money now.
MTCN: 0379678085,
Sender Names: Waleed Omarh,
Sender City: Texas,
Sender Country of sender: United States.
Amount sent: $5,000 USD.
Senders address: same as above Call or email this office as soon as
you have received this payment you can also track your payment on line
by login to (
before you go to any Western Union transfer close to you to pick the
money. Fill The Form Below.
1. Name:_________________
3. Country:_____________
4. City:______________
5. Phone Number:____________
7. Sex:________________
8. Age:________________
9. Whats-App Number:______________
Your urgent respond is required please.
Yours sincerely,
P.C.E. Hikmet Ersek
Track your money transfer | Western Union