From: "Via Recognition Award:" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021 23:05:39 -0800
Subject: You Won Us$2,800,000.00 Via Foundation Recognition's Award.
A notification for the owner of this email address, we are glad to
announce to you that a sum of US$2,800,000.00 was generated and
awarded to you by the Qatar Rowad Awards and United Arab Emirates,
West commission and the Western Union Foundation under (CBI) and
Superintendence of Industry and Commerce foundation. Achievements and
results of this are to assist financial problems and charity in the
This award was selected through the internet, where your e-mail
address was indicated and notified. The award foundation collects all
the email addresses of the people that are active online, among the
billions of people that are active online, only four people are
selected to benefit from this Award and you are one of the Selected
To facilitate your claims, get back to us, with your processing code
(22EX1) number for every correspondence and more details of the claim.
Through my private Email: ( for fast response.
But if you are not interested, delete it from your mailbox.
Yours Faithfully,
Awards Coordinator United Arab Emirate Commission
De-facto Chief Award Officer
United Emirate Award Committee.