From: "Jean D'Albis"<>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2021 06:32:10 -0500
Subject: RE; HELLO
I just attended a seminar on behalf of my bank which was co-hosted with China Construction Bank in your country, which also afforded me the opportunity to do a feasibility assessment of practicality of Business Intelligence (BI) and Models in your country, and then concluded that I must invest there either as an investor or a joint partnership with a reliable personality because of her vast and untapped business opportunity there, and this is what brought about this message.
Now, The World Bank Group (WBG) and World Food Program (WFP) have Mapped Out Joint Strategy for Tackling Humanitarian and Development Challenges. Out an ambitious new plan to work together in the fight against poverty and hunger. Furthermore, together with our bank, and few other financial institutions formed the International Finance Corporation (IFC); a unique global partnership fighting poverty worldwide through sustainable solutions, and one of these solutions is, the amended bank micro and agricultural infrastructural soft loans programs for everyone which is in consociation with the last 74th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 74) where more than 100 world leaders convened in NY to debate on poverty eradication, global economic empowerment and climate inclusion.
I studied your profile, and you strike me as someone who could be trusted, who I can work with hence I decided to discuss this deal with you. I seek a trustworthy personality who can open and run an account with our bank, and then we push a loan of between US$50 to US$90 million application forward, process and secure the funds, we share 70% and pay back only 30% under a debt relief program or bankruptcy debt cancellation policy. I will brief you how this works once in receipt of your response to this communique.
We both have what it takes to make this work for us. I await your response.
Thank You
Best Regards
Jean D'Albis