From: =?utf-8?b?Ik1ycy4gWGluecOhbiBMaW5uaWFuIiA8YWRtaW5AZXh0ZWNoMjAwOS5jb20+?
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 19:41:16 +0100
Subject: =?utf-8?q?From_Mrs_Xiny=C3=A1n_Linnian_?=
Hi Beloved One
With due respect to your person and much sincerity of purpose,I am Mrs Xiny=
=E1n Linnian from Suzhou, China . I am married to Mr Peng Linnian who is an=
international real estate management agent for eleven years, but he died i=
n a fatal car accident in 2016. We have been married for 20 years without a=
ny child.
I am an orphan, after the death of my husband i decided not to go into marr=
iage anymore because we are true and good Buddhist and we believe in Sh=E9n=
.I'm suffering from cancer of the breast and throat and it is certain that =
I cannot work or do anything stressful my doctors said that i will not surv=
ive the sickness and i will not live for the next 2 months this is because =
my cancer sickness is at level 4 it has spread all over my body system and =
cause a lot of serious damage to my body organs.
Before my husband died he sold all his international properties and deposit=
ed the sum of US$8.5m dollars in an offshore bank. My late husband's brothe=
r ran away with my ($1M USD) and abandoned me at the London hospital to die=
and I have decided not to do anything with my late husband's brother in th=
is world because he does not care about me and he just wishes me death.
The bank where the funds US$8.5m USD is deposited promised me that the fund=
s will be transferred to the designated bank of anybody that was chosen and=
approved by me. I'm using a hospital computer where I am undergoing treatm=
ent of my cancer sickness to send you this message. If i receive a quick re=
ply from you I will direct you what next to do and also link you up with th=
e offshore bank . I knew that you will be surprise to this proposal but kin=
dly consider it as the will of God.
I want you to inherit this fund $8.5m USD and fulfill my last wish before I=
die and meet my Sh=E9n after death. Donate 60% of this funds to orphans, m=
otherless children, less privileged children. Taking 40% percent of the fun=
ds to do your business and take care of your family is your benefit. I have=
2 months to live in this world. What I need is a kind and good person that=
will inherit this funds and fulfill my last wish before I die. Please ende=
avor to use 60% percent of this funds for Charity organization, donate to o=
rphans and less privileged and take 40% of the fund for yourself
All i need from you is a confident assurance that when this funds is transf=
er to your bank savings you will use it as i instruct you i do not trust pe=
ople but i pray before i send you this message and my spirit accept you, i =
want you to always pray for me and feel relax to go into this with me and a=
ny delay in your reply will made me to look another individual for the same=
purpose. Please assure me that you will accept my proposal as I stated abo=
ve and your response would be highly appreciated. I wait for your positive =
reply through my personal email address ( )
Yours sincerely
Mrs Xiny=E1n Linnian