Greetings to you and your family that is if you are still alive, this is to inform you that there is presently a counter claims on your funds by one Mr. Antonio Reyes , who is presently trying to make us believe that you are dead and even explained that you entered into an agreement with him to help you in receiving your fund, he said you signed an agreement that he should claim your fund. He said you died on Friday last week in an auto crash accident and before you died while at the hospital bed you signed an agreement with him that he should claim your fund, he also said he was a business partner with you and he came to see you for business before the accident took your life and he said you have given him power of attorney to claim the fund after your death.
Here comes the big question. Did you sign any deed of assignment agreement in favor of (Mr. Antonio Reyes)? Thereby making him the current beneficiary to the sum of $2,300,000.00 with the following account details:?
Mr. Brian G. Newman,
ac/number: 6503809428.
b/name: Citi bank,
address: New York, USA.
Reach me on
We shall proceed to issue all payments details to the above named person if we do not hear from you within the next two(2) working days. Get back to us with immediate effect THAT IS IF YOU ARE STILL ALIVE... MAKE SURE YOU RECONFIRM YOUR FULL NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER PLUS ID CARD.
Thank you.
Mr James Gregory.