Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2021 00:18:50 +0100
Subject: Attn Beneficiary
Greetings to you,
This is Mr.Robert Young the Cashier from Bank OF AMERICAN We received
an text message from Mr. James Ohayon, He called us with this
telephone number:+1 914-348-3677 Informing me that you are dead and
He said that I should send him your fund that worth $7.4 Million
United States Dollars Because he is your next of kin beneficiary to
you and He also told me that you instructed him to claim your
properties including your money in case because you are no more to be
found on earth, I am very sorry to hear that you are no more to be
found on earth and I don’t know that this is the reason why you have
not reply the email I sent to you regarding the delivery of your fund,
This is my promise to you that I am going to do everything within my
power to make sure that your fund will be deliver to him as your next
of kin beneficiary to you may your soul rest in perfect peace and may
God grant you internal life on the last day to come I am very sorry.
He did also said he knew he was going to spend some money to get the
fund because you told him something like that and I should let him
know the cost, I told him to hold on and let me verify if this is true
or not because I am confused now about this claims’ You are advice to
send your address to enable me proceed on your deliver if this is not
true but for your information you are to pay for the renewal of your
payment file fee of your fund, which if it is true that you are still
Email me ..[ ]
I want you to reconfirm to me below information for proper understand
by filling the attach registration form okay.
(Receivers name).......................
(Phone Number)..........................
(You’re Age).......................... .
(ID copy)...............................
(You’re Email Address)..................
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Robert Young