From: Washington Trust Bank <>
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2021 07:46:28 -0700
Subject: Thank you for banking with us...Yours In service..
Address: 717 West Sprague Avenue Spokane,
Contact Person: Mr. Peter F. Stanton,
Chairman and CEO
Washington Trust Bank,
Good news ....After our Conference meeting today with Newly Elected
Presidency of United States of America Joe Biden concerning your payment
here in Washington D.C with United States Governments /Homeland
Security/FBI/CIA/AFRICA GOVERNMENTS and Legislatures concerning the
Postponement of your Inheritance payment of USD$200,000,000.00 the Newly
Elected Presidency Joe Biden have Re- Approved your payment and he vows
that your payment must be release to you this time without any more delay
and the assistance of Newly Elected Presidency Joe Biden Government has
acknowledged that your USD$200,000,000.00 should be released from our
banks(WASHINGTON TRUST BANK)as we have received your USD $200,000,000.00 in
your name now ... Again, we are ready to transfer your USD $200,000,000.00
now to your nominated account or by Atm card payment as you choose ....
According to the instructions from Newly Elected Presidency Joe Biden
Governments PAYMENT OPTION (ONE) the Only thing this project will cost
you is to Secure TRANSFER PERMIT CERTIFICATE(TPC) which must secure in your
name from office of the Presidency United States of America before our
bank will transfer your USD$200,000,000.00 to your nominated bank account
and also to enable United States Government use its immunity Coverage to
back your transfer up and makes sure that it hits your nominated bank
account without any more delay.... PAYMENT OPTION (TWO) If you need your
payment via MasterCard you will be Responsible for INSURANCE AND DHL fees
only to ensure successful Delivering to your doorstep and as soon as you
receive it you will start withdrawing and making transfer from your Master
Atm card from our bank here. .... See attached my working id card for your
Authentic Recognition.... Get back with your details and any of your Id
cards.... Be rest assured that the storm is over if you adhere to the
Instructions you must receive your long inheritance payment which you have
spent a lot of money on and till today you never received any single cent
from those impostors from Africa U.K and have your peace for many years
..... We await your positive response.....
Thank you for banking with us...Yours In service..
Mr. Peter F. Stanton Chairman and CEO
Washington Trust Bank.
Address: 717 West Sprague Avenue
Spokane, WA