From: Agent Donald Parker <>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2021 15:28:29 -0700
Subject: Text Urgent SMS Message For Your ATM Card PKG, +1(540) 924-1224
Please this Agent Donald Parker and this about your ATM MASTER CARD
values of US$10.5 from United bank of Africa (UBA bank) Nigeria as a
compensation from Government and every Document guiding your delivery
is well updated so you are advice to re-confirm your full delivery
information to me right now as am currently at 4600 International
Gateway Columbus, Ohio,(USA) with your ATM CARD, because i misplaced
your delivery address which i had.
So you are advice to reconfirm your full delivery information to me as
the diplomat and call me with this number or Text me SMS with your
full information: +1(540) 924-1224, to have easy conversation with me
and to enable you give me full direction to get your ATM CARD
delivered to you and hand you over your ATM CARD safe and sound,
Furthermore you are advice to be very fast as i Donald Parker has no
time to waste due to my flight ticket,
So the Information you are required to reconfirm to the me is as Follow.
(1)Your Full Name=============
(2)Mobile Phone Number======
(3)Current Home Address========
(6)Nearest Airport ==============as i am at John Glenn Columbus
International Airport,4600 International Gateway Columbus, Ohio, (U.S)
right now because of the Searching and Scanning of the package which
made me to misplace your address
(7)A Copy of Your I D For Identification or driving license
Contact person,
Name- Agent Donald Parker
Contact Telephone line: +1(540) 924-1224