From: Phil Ducas <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2021 10:14:59 +0200
Subject: NEXT OF KIN
I am a former Branch Manager in Charge of Safes Vaults Security in one of
the leading Financial Services Providers here in South Africa, I have
important matter to present to you concerning our late customer Allan
Williams who Died in a plane crash and interstate, meaning he died without
a Next of kin to claim/inherit his £22.9 Million GBP deposited with us, he
was involved in diamond mining business here in South Africa. He passed on
with members of his family, as such he left no one behind as a next of kin.
I want you to stand as the next of kin to the fund. I have all the tools
and logistics to process and transfer the fund in your name. This
transaction is 100% risk free. I have to propose that should you be willing
to assist me in this transaction your share as compensation will be
(40%),(55%) will be for me and the balance of (5%) will be to settle any
form of logistics that might arise during the cause of this transaction.
Call me on my direct number if you are serious and capable of executing
this deal/transaction, so we can talk or mail me on my private email:, so that we can chat a way forward.
Phil Ducas
NB: Below is the link to the story if you wish to confirm: It is a news
link not a harmful site please.