From: Miss Ruth James <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2021 16:43:19 +0000
Subject: My dear friend;
My dear friend;
My name is Miss Ruth James, a British citizen; I am currently living
in the city of Abidjan which is one of the cities in Ivory Coast, this
country is located in West Africa.
I work in the bank as accountant in abidjan here and there is this man
who deposited of $30, million dollars in our bank and he use the name
of his wife as next of kin when he deposited this money in our bank,
the problem now is that this man and his wife were victims of
coronavirus (COVID19) last year 2020 and after the death of this man
and his wife, I tried my best to contact the relative but
unfortunately there is no other person in the family left who can
claim the fund.
I am contacting you because of the urgent, if we failed to claim the
fund in the next 30 days bank will confisticate the fund and transfer
it into the government treasury account as abandon fund in the bank,
cooperate with me and with your help we can claim the fund and share
it between us 50% for me and 50% for you.
This business is confidential and I need your urgent response; if your
response delays I may contact someone else for the same business
because of the urgent need to move this fund out quickly to a secured
account you may provide.
Miss. Ruth James.