From: Lamidi Tinubu <>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 21:07:46 +0100
Good day my friend, exactly this time five years ago, I contacted you
to help us facilitate our investment project at hand then, haven sold
off my three of my oil wells in one of the oil rich African country, I
decided that diversification will is needed in order for us to be able
to compete in this modern world of energy driven economies.
So we decided we are investing about USD2 billion in Lithium and
cotton, at first you suggested Texas, for their reputable record of
producing some of the most quality cotton in the world, and Chile for
Lithium, but we didn't hear from you again since then for a reason
best know to you , now it will interest you to know that, that same
year we invested USD1 billion in Lithium in Chile with the world
largest reserve of Lithium and also invested another USD1 billion in
Cotton in Texas.
Today, we have a massive return for these two investments, and after
taking our stock for the year, I decided to say thank you for the
trust you show back then even though we did not bring it to a logical
conclusion, but for the will and trustworthiness that you showed, I
decided to leave an internationally certified ATM worth USD1.2 million
withdraw able anywhere in the world for you, fill the below
information so that my secretary Mrs. Voda Helen will be able to
contact you and release the ATM to you as am currently on holiday in
the Bahamas:
1.Full Names:...........................
2.Contact Address:.........................
4.Phone Number:........................
Thanks Yours sincerely
Lamidi Tinubu