From: "Mrs.Margaret Bennett" <>
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2021 03:14:23 -1100
Subject: =?utf-8?q?Proverbs_19=3A17_=28NIV=29=E2=80=9CWhoever_is_kind_to_the_poor_?=
How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. May the name of God be prais=
ed and worship forever.I write to you in good faith and hope that you will =
understand the importance of my email and I hope as God directed me to you,=
I hope you will never let me down.My decision to contact you is because I =
have I was recently diagnosed with Cancer and the doctor said I have less t=
han 8 weeks to live. Since this sudden news was announced to me,I have been=
reflecting over my life in the past. It is painful that after over 24 year=
s of peaceful marriage with my late husband, we had a 23 yrs old son who Di=
ed in an auto crash three years ago. In the past, I have made reasonable do=
nations to the victims of Earthquake in Haiti and recently to the same vict=
ims in Japan and Thailand and also support the victim of Boko Haram terrori=
st in Western part of Africa, Now that my health is gradually deteriorating=
, I cannot continue to do all these by myself any more. I strongly desire t=
o reach out to the poor and needy people, but I would prefer to continue th=
is with the assistance of a kind person. I want you to answer the following=
questions : (1) are you a God fearing person? (2) If I donate (GBP=A35,000=
,000.00) Five Million Great Britain Pound Sterling to you, can you be able =
to utilize it wisely to achieve my heart's desire of supporting poor people=
around you? (3)Will you open a charity foundation in the name of I and my =
husband? Please write back as soon as possible.=20
Yours Faithfully=20
Mrs. Margaret Bennett.