From: Julie Leach <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 12:55:59 -0700
Subject: Important Message
I am Julie Leach from Michigan, A 52-year old mother of 3 children
and 11 grand children.and aging widow suffering from Esophageal Cancer
and presently hospitalized. My doctor says I have a few months to
live, I worked as a fiberglass factory employee in Michigan. At
September 30th, I won the Power-ball jackpot lottery of $310 Million
which makes me quit my job at once. I have been working at the
fiberglass manufacturer for over 23 years. So I feel this is a
blessing to my life which enables me to quit my job and help my family
and very less privilege/less fortunate around me as well.
I have been doing charity work for 15 years and I also play the
lottery every week. I never had any large payout from my years of
playing not knowing God has a purpose for me and my family. I have
always prayed that God should help me and i was not surprised when i
won my Lotto because I have always knew God has a plan for mylife
because I believed in the part of the Bible that says "ask and you
shall receive" and consistently I have always asked for a miracle from
God through prayers and i believe you do the same too. I have decided
to continue God's work after having much prayers and seeking the
faith of God over us including order members, and good servants of
God. After a lot of prayers together, we make sure that my money goes
a long way helping other people all over the world that are in need of
financial assistance. I don't have much to say about my self.
So at this point I have decided to donate $20,000,000.00 USD to Two(2)
lucky individuals world wide as part of What we promised God to do is
he make us a Winner Last Year. Its a donation tagged to you and your
family and also for you to help the less fortunate, sick, handicapped,
and not excluding the cancer patients etc. so if you are getting this
mail from me it means you have been chosen by my Humble family and I
with the assistance from Power ball Lottery and Gaming (PLG), Google,
and Microsoft Corporation who assisted me to collect mailing Data's
for random selection, which I found you through "Microsoft Powered
I know you would wonder and why I had to Move to the UK. I decided to
move to United Kingdom with my family because, since I won this
lottery different taxes have been fallen upon me and much are coming,
my Attorney and close friends adviced me to move to United Kingdom
with my family rather than paying Taxes Every week.
Please you can know more about me on the lottery winnings by viewing
the below website and see for yourself how God works.
My donation may not be much to you, but I believe it will go a long
way to improving your standard of living like my Power-ball Jackpot
did to me. Hence, I would love to know a few important things about my
beneficiary :
Full Names
May the Good lord bless your heart to be a blessing to your family and
the society at large as soon as my donation gets to you.
Kindly send me the above information for you to contact my authorized
payout bank,
I will be going in for an operation soon.
Thanks and God Bless you.
Julie Leach & Family