From: Alphonso David <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2021 20:50:58 +0100
Subject: Attention:Beneficiary
Good Day dear,Beneficiary.
Greetings from the Human Right campaign USA(HRC)
How are you and your business?
I hope everything are moving well,
if so thanks be to God.
The World Bank in conjuction with World health Organisations USA have approved
the total sum of Eighty Million dollars $80,000,000 to be distributed
2 million dollars(2,000,000)
each to 40 valid United states citizens through the aid of Human Right
Campaign,USA for Covid19 Pandemic Empowernment.
Therefore,we are contacting you to inform you that you have been
selected as one of the 40 lucky,hardworking,valid United states
indigines that will receive the total sum of two million
Dollars(2,000,000) from Human Right campaign USA,
Please get back to me with;
Your Fullname..........
Mobile number.........
Your Bank Details.......(Account name,account number,swift code etc)
Please make sure that your Bank details and phone number are provided
correctly to avoid any delays or interruption because we has only 5
days to complete this transaction.
I am waiting for your immddiate respond so that we can proceed on your
fund transaction.
Congratulations !!!!
I am Dr Alphonso David
Director HRC USA