From: "info" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 10:51:07 +0200
Subject: Congratulations: your lucky email address won
NO: Number / E / 12591871 (OTHER PO Box 17083-28080
PRODUCTION: Yes / 79 Games: 9348610 Date 24/04/2021
Confirmation number: 2021EU / 445701
Foreign State Cost: Worldwide =
Congratulations: your lucky email address won $1,750.000.00
You are among those randomly selected by the USA Lottery Board as the 2021=
winner in ILOTTO and you have a reason to celebrate as one of the official=
big winners in the 46th ILOTTO PROMOTION program to promote and help peopl=
e worldwide, which was held on Friday in Arlington VA U.S.A. Keep the confi=
rmation number included in this report as verification of your status.
Draw lucky winning numbers are (02) - (23) - (30) - (26) - (42)
All email addresses are automatically selected by the United States Lotter=
y Board.
The total amount won ($ 347,200,000.00)
You won ($ 1,570,000.00) One million, five hundred and seventy thousand U.=
S dollars in the third category. To start your winning claims visit our web=
site or send an email to our Correspondents.
The total email addresses are 560 million email addresses selected from Am=
erica, Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.
Visit our website for more information or contact.
Fill in below:
* Full name:
* Date of birth:
* Occupation:
* Country:
* Postcode:
* Mobile:
* Current address:
* Gender:
* Language:
European Lottery Headquarters
Mrs. Johan Erik =
Tlf +44 11 300000
American Lottery Headquarters
Mr. Toni Marquez
Fax/Tel: (+1) 470-227 4459
Note: Your name will be stamped as soon as the United States government ap=
proves it
Our sponsors again congratulate you.
Our partners / sponsors
Euro-Sport sponsors
Coca-Cola Company
Creator sports
Samsung Group
Emirates Airlines
=A9 Copyright 2013 Chestbox Ltd. All rights reserved. All Financial transa=
ctions managed by Yippex Limited, Corporation 008586V PO Box 227, Clinch's =
House, Lord Street, Douglas, IM99 1RZ, Isle of Man.