From: gene gohring <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2021 02:05:23 +0200
Dearly Beloved
I am Mrs.Gene Gohring from Zurich in Switzerland, I was married to
late Mr.Gene Hogan who worked at Agco global,an agricultural equipment
manufacturing company. I am a 88 yrs old woman,presently suffering
from cancer of the breast which has affected both my talking & hearing
My health condition has gotten worse with my age and just two weeks
ago my doctor informed me to indulge in prayers that my condition has
reach a critical stage, and that I have just 3 months left.
This confirmation from my doctor was and still is devastating news; it
is hard to know that you have just a little time left to live here.
My husband and I are true Christians so after his death I decided not
to re-marry, he died in a fatal airplane crash CLICK TO VIEW THE
NEWS<> which I
know is political motivated because of his interest in so many
business after his death I inherited all his wealth and
deposited sum amount of money with a financial institution.
Having knew my condition after the doctorâs medical pronunciation that
I have just few months to live, I decided to divide my wealth for
charity works in your country for the sick and less privileged as my
last wish,hence my contacting you for help after coming across your
email address from the internet for the good LORD to bring me a helper
who would be willing and interested to handle these trust funds in
good faith before anything happens to me.
I am willing to donate the sum of Eight Million, United States Dollars
(USD$8,000,000.00) to the sick and less privileged through you.Please
I want to transfer this money to you based on trust as i have
contacted my lawyer have my WILL amend as soon as possible. If you
can handle this fund and very sure to do charity works on my behalf
then I will include your name in it.
Note that this fund is in the financial institution and upon my
instruction; I will file in an application through my attorney for the
transfer of the money into your account for the said purpose.
The change of ownership will be Convey and endorsed in your name
before the entire funds can be release to your designated bank account
of your choice within 48hrs (2 days) the procedures and how to receive
these entire funds from my bank will be directed to you as soon as you
get in touch with me shortly.
Lastly, I honestly pray that this money when transferred will be used
for the said purpose even though I might be late then. I have come to
find out that wealth is vanity and I made a promise to God that my
wealth will be used to support the poor and assist the sick. Do let me
know if you will be able to handle this fund and use it for the said
purpose so that I will inform my attorney and my bank on my decision.
Thanks for your understanding as your response would be highly
appreciated.Reply to me using this email.
Best Regard.
Mrs.Gene Gohring