Reply-To: "" <>
Subject: CC
Good morning, we confirm transfer of your funds($25millionusd) from Central Bank of Malaysia.
I acknowledge your email and please note that this office is also aware of all your past loss due to impostors giving you wrong information about your funds($25millionusd) which was why the United States government had to get directly involved to protect our citizens from these impostors so we are committed to serving you with the finest services to hasten and facilitate quick transfer of your inheritance funds($25millionusd).
Thus,in order not to waste time,all departments in charge of your telegraphic transfer including accounting,administrative and remittance departments have all finished re-processing your paper work so that we can complete telegraphic transfer of your funds to your nominated account within the next 48hours latest.
We also hope you have all documentation backing your Claim of the funds because according to the Case File on the funds,its origin country is Malaysia and so ensure you keep transaction Confidential and make sure you follow all instructions so that we can complete transfer of your funds unfailingly within the next 48hours.
The Federal Reserve has all your information but we insist you immediately re-affirm by sending us the following information listed below for Opening of your Automated Online Account in Our Database for you to access your funds($25millionusd) and transfer by yourself to your nominated bank account.
First Name
Middle Name
Last name
Passport no
Home Telephone
Mobile Telephone
As soon as we receive the above information,we will open your Online account and send you details to access your funds to first confirm and verify your funds and if possible,we will allow you go through the first stage of the Transfer so that you can be confident in the Transfer Process.
Once you meet the transfer documentation requirement process ,then,the Federal Reserve will implore on you in respect to making payment for the C.O.T Charge of $2,500usd to complete the last stage of Transfer of your funds to your nominated personal account.
Your online transfer is completed within the next 48hours so your promptness is will be appreciated.Thank you for your cooperation.
Its important to state that our devotion and obligation remains to facilitate quick transfer of your funds so we will appreciate your affirmative response.
Yours Sincerely
Mr Jerome Powell
Under-secretary Financial Surveillance