From: "Mrs. Dahan Edith" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 05:14:29 -0800
Subject: Attn: Beneficiary
Attn: Beneficiary.
I am Mrs. Dahan Edith Chief Economist of (IMF) International Monitory Fund. We are alliance with economic community of West African states (ECOWAS) We have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in the world, especially Western part of Africa With the help of United States Government and the United Nations. We have been able to track down so many of this scam artist in various parts of West African countries and they are all in our custody’s in the countries that they are apprehended. We have been able to recover so much money from these scam artists, the IMF Managing Director in the names of Mr. Kristalina Georgieva have agreed with United Nation Anti-crime commission and the United State Government that all the money recovered from the Scammers to be shared among 100 Lucky people around the globe.
This email is been directed to you because your email address was found in one of the scam Artists file and computer hard disk in our custody. You are therefore being compensated with $ 2.5 Million Dollars. We have also arrested all those who claim that they are barristers, bank officials, Lottery Agents who has money for transfer or want you to be the next of kin of such funds which do not exist, and also some people who claimed to be in love with white people from there scammed them their hard earn money, Since your name appeared among the lucky beneficiaries who will receive a compensation of $ 2.5 Million Dollars, we have arranged your payment through our swift card payment center. Your file was directed to Cote d’Ivoire West Africa that is where you will be receiving your compensation fund from. Feel free to contact the Barrister who is in charge of your fund, his name is Barrister Malik Coulibaly. A swift card has been specially prepared to enable you withdraw your money in any ATM machine in any part of the world, but with a limited amount per day.
So you are advice to contact Barrister Malik Coulibaly and then provide to him all your necessary information to identify yourself and also where to send the ATM CARD to you, below are the contact information of the Barrister.
Name: Barrister Malik Coulibaly
Tel : (00225) 056-696-5931
Email :
You have to provide him the information bellow to enable him deliver your ATM CARD to you including the Pin code to access it.
Your are free to contact me through my private email address for any questions or clarification.
Best Regard,
Mrs. Dahan Edith
Chief Economist of International Monitory Fund (IMF)