From: "Mrs Esther Oly" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 03:45:29 -0800
Subject: =?utf-8?Q?Spam?=
Dear Email Owner/Fund Beneficiary,.66.29
Dear Email Owner/Fund Beneficiary,
IRREVOCABLE PAYMENT ORDER VIA ATM CARD. We have actually been authorized by=
the newly appointed United Nations secretary-general, and the governing bo=
dy of the UNITED NATIONS Monetary Unit, to investigate the unnecessary dela=
y in your payment, recommended and approved in your favor. During the cours=
e of our investigation, we discovered with dismay that your payment has bee=
n unnecessarily Delayed by corrupt officials of the Bank who are Trying to =
divert your funds into their private accounts.
To forestall this, security for your funds was organized in the form of you=
r personal Identification number (PIN) ATM CARD and this will enable only y=
ou to have direct control over your funds in the ATM CARD. We will monitor =
this payment ourselves to avoid the hopeless situation created by the Offic=
ials of the bank.
An irrevocable payment guarantee has been issued by the World Bank Group an=
d the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on your Payment. However, we are ha=
ppy to inform you that based on our recommendation/Instructions; your compl=
ete Inheritance funds have been credited in your favor through ATM VISA CAR=
You are therefore advised to contact:
Mr. Reden Beingfarhan
Director ATM Payment Department
Address: PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)
Tbk. Gedung BRI Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.44-46.
Jakarta 10210. Indonesia
Contact him now for the delivery of your ATM Card. As soon as you establish=
contact with him, an ATM card will be issued to you immediately which you =
can use to withdraw your funds in any Bank ATM Machine in your Country, but=
the maximum is $5000 per day. So if you like to receive your funds through=
this means you're advised to contact (Mr. Reden Beingfarhan with the follo=
wing information as stated below:
1. Your Full Name:
2. Address Where You Want the Courier Company to Send Your ATM Card
To or (P.O Box)
3. Nationality:
4. Occupation:
5. Mobile Number:
6. Private E-Mail Address:
NOTE: You are advised to furnish Mr. Reden Beingfarhan with your correct an=
d valid details. Also be informed that the amount to be paid to you is USD$=
3, 500, 000, 00. We expect your urgent response to this email to enable us =
to monitor this payment effectively thereby making contact with Mr.Reden Be=
ingfarhan as directed to avoid further delay.
Mrs Esther Oly