From: "Christopher C. Krebs" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2021 10:31:29 +0900
Attention Sir/Madam!
This is to inform you that we are working towards eradication of fraudsters and Scam Artists in South and North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa with the help of the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), the Organization of African Union (OAU), and the FBI. And we have already tracked down some fraudsters in various parts of America, Asian Countries, European Countries and African Countries and they are all in Government custody now, and they shall all appear at the International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.
During the course of the investigation, we recovered Millions of Dollars from these fraudsters and IMF organization Suggested and agreed by the World Ambassadors that the funds be shared among the listed people around the World as a Compensation, of which you are one of them.
Your email address was found in one of the Scam Artists files while on the investigation, probably you might have fallen victim to the scam. Therefore, you have been chosen to receive this compensation of US$1,700,000.00 US Dollars.
However, the Board of the Lawmakers of the United States of America, British Government, Europe, Asia and Africa are all fully aware of the ongoing Fund release of $1,700,000.00 United States Dollars to you.
And do not forget that your fund can be paid to you as follows depending on how you want to receive it from the options below:.
1.) You can receive your fund through ATM Master Card: Our bank can Load your fund in an ATM Master Card and ship it for you at your address.
2.) You can receive your fund through Cashier Check: Our bank can issue a Cashier's Check in your name and ship it as well for you at your address.
3.) You can also receive your fund through Bank-to-Bank wire transfer: Our Bank can transfer your fund directly into your bank account at once within 24 hours.
4.) You can receive your fund through Online Banking: Our bank can set up an online account and forward the login details to you to transfer your fund into your bank account.
Therefore, choose from the options above on how you will like to receive your fund and contact us back with your necessary information for the transfer of your fund.
Thanks for your understanding as you follow this instruction to receive your fund immediately.
Best Regards,
Christopher C. Krebs
Director (C.I.S.A.).