Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2020 03:43:47 -0800
Subject: Dear Honorable Beneficiary..
Powerball HeadQuarters Usa Customer Service Marriott main street Tallahasse=
e 32301 FILE REF:17LL12-2020/MICS BATCH:MC11/834/5PDH /EU2020 Powerball Win=
ning Numbers History-Video Results Dear Honorable Beneficiary POWER BAL=
L LOTTERY/ Microsoft Corporations Announced you as one of the 7 lucky winne=
rs of the Ongoing Microsoft Corporations lottery Award of the Year Held thi=
s month.All 7 winning email addresses were Randomly selected from a batch o=
f 800,000,000 International emails each from Canada, Australia, United Stat=
es, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania as Part of our internatio=
nal promotions program which is Conducted annually, consequently, you have =
Been Approved for a total pay out of EIGHT Million TWO HUNDRED United State=
s Dollars ($8.2 MILLION USD). The draft was deposited to the bank waiting w=
hen you will Come for it so that the money can be transfer to you via Wire =
transfer, therefore, you are to fill this gap And send it To me so I will s=
ubmit it to the bank for transfer. Your full Name Your Address Home/Cell =
Phone Your Occupation Your Identity Country Zip code You are advise to se=
nd the above information today to enable me submit them To the bank This Lo=
ttery was promoted and sponsored by a Conglomerate of some multinational co=
mpanies as part of Their social responsibility to the citizens in the Commu=
nities where they have operational base.Further More your details (e-mail a=
ddress) falls within our Branch Office here in USA, as indicated in your pl=
ay Coupon and Your prize of (USD$8.2M). will be released to you from This m=
ain branch office of Microsoft Corporations USA.We wish to informed you tha=
t your Fund has been Approved and insured in your name as well as ready for=
Delivery. These are your winning identification numbers. Ticket number=
=2026679-568-9228 Serial number=202637016 Lucky number 15-21-22-27-47-7 Ref=
number=2026MSCB4900 To begin your lottery claims, Please contact our P.B=
.L Microsoft Corporations Lottery Co-ordinator as follows, Name:John Griff=
n E-mail You are to send the completed verificati=
on form below to The co-ordinator whose email address is given above So tha=
t you will be advised on what to do To get your prize money. NOTE: In ord=
er to avoid unnecessary delays and Complications, please remember to quote =
your reference And batch numbers in all correspondences With us, Furthermor=
e, should there be any change of Address, please do inform our Co-ordinator=
as soon As possible. An original copy of your lucky winning ticket and you=
r Deposit certificate will be sent to you by Lottery Administrative Remitt=
ance Operation. Congratulations once more!!