From: Prof Samer Azhari <>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2020 21:26:01 +0000
Subject: Re: Please, I am still waiting for your response
Good Morning,
Please if you find this message in your spam-folder that is because you
are using a public domain so click NOT SPAM so that it can automatically
move to your inbox before reading. Meanwhile, I was in your country in
October last year where I went to look for any member of your family. I
was lucky to have left there before the pandemic took over and the
global lock down set-in. What took me to your country is the issue of
(£23.7 million) someone I presume to be your relative because he shares
the same family's name with you who was living here in Paris died and
left in our bank. Right now, My bank is planning to move this money into
our treasury as unclaimed and abandoned monies. I can't fold my arms and
allow this to happen when people like you and I can use some of the
money to help ourselves and the poor around us. What needs to be done
now to prevent my bank from taking this money is for me to immediately
insert your name into the Customer Information Sheet (CIS) or account
file and officially make you his heir, and once that is done the money
will automatically become yours by the right of inheritance, then we
follow our bank inheritance claim procedures, secure the funds and then
share it equally between us. Please, this has nothing to do with fraud,
scam nor hoax because it is simply an inheritance. Trust me on this if
you can, and get back to me with your direct telephone number as quickly
as possible. Remain bless..
Thank You
Yours Sincerely,
Prof Samer Azhari