From: Mrs Christiana Mark <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2020 17:50:09 +0800 (HKT)
Subject: Dear Madam/Sir,
Dear Madam/Sir,
I visited Budumbura refugee camp in West Africa as snr registrar ( Refugee camp i met a young girl from Libya she told me her story and i felt so sorry she asked me to help her look for a foreigner that could help invest her late father's money worth US$5,million she has sent me the documents for proof.My purpose of contacting you is to assist some orphans in our refugee camp that needs your help. Most of them are from warring nations like Libyan, sierra-Leone, Mali ,
Sudan and Syria whose parents lost their lives in the war. we discovered when checking through their files of origin that not all the refugees are poor, most of the orphan/refugees are left with a lot of valuables from their late parents without any management.
I am contacting you to participate particularly concerning a girl from Libyan among other children whose parents died in war leaving the total Five million US dollars and some kilos of gold which he deposited in a private security company for her upkeep in case of death.Recently, the security company in charge of safekeeping this money and gold deposits has issued we the orphanage management a notice concerning the ongoing upgrade in the company and that they wanted to evacuate all properties that was deposited in their custody and hand them over to their owners but the girl is too young to manage this inheritance.The reason why I contacted you is because the children are too young to manage this huge funds and gold minerals. Our management has mandated me to look for an investor who will take care of these funds and convert the mineral deposit into cash and fix it into a good business investment for the upkeep of the children involved.
Best Regards,
Mrs Christiana Mark