57 MARINA P.O. BOX 2406 LAGOS NIGERIA46.38.253.1946.38.253.19
I Am Mr Benson Abudukarim the director cash processing united bank for African the international monetary fund (I.M.F.) in conjunction with Organization of African Unity (O.A.U) is compensating all the scam victims
with $1.500.000.00USD
and your email address was found in the scam victim's, the united bank for African and Federal Reserve Bank has been mandated by the (I.M.F) to pay your compensation ($1.500, 000.00USD) in cash through means of diplomatic
courier service hand delivery,
Take note that Three thousand united states dollars (usd$3,000) have been mapped out for all expenses in taxes and other documents that matters.
Therefore, do forward your home address, direct phone number to this email, abukarim.m@aol.com ,
Please reply/direct to this email:
Mr Benson Abudukarim
Director cash processing Unite
united bank for Africa. (U.B.A).
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