From: "Mr. Gerald K. Goodman" <>
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2020 15:29:54 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Next of Kin is urgently needed.
Date: 05 - 08 - 2020.
Time: 10:30 am - Nigerian Time. Telephone Number: +234-9065018186
From: Mr. Gerald K. Goodman ( Executive director ).
I personally do not need your money rather I need your honest assista=
nce/partnership in order to help me receive the sum of (US$65Million) whic=
h my late client/customer deposited with TRUST STANDARD PLC. My name is Mr=
. Gerald K. Goodman and I am the Head of International Operations of TRUST=
STANDARD PLC, Calabar -Nigeria. My client/customer (Engr. Wang Yu) was an=
oil trade mogul who actually is among the passenger MH370 or MAS370 a sche=
duled international passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines that dis=
appeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airpo=
rt to its destination, Beijing Capital International Airport. The crew of t=
he Boeing 777-200ER aircraft last communicated with air traffic control (AT=
C) around 38 minutes after takeoff when the flight was over the South China=
Sea. The aircraft was lost from ATC radar screens minutes later, but was t=
racked by military radar for another hour, deviating westwards from its pla=
nned flight path, crossing the Malay Peninsula and Andaman Sea. It left rad=
ar range 200 nautical miles (370 km) northwest of Penang Island in northwes=
tern Malaysia With all 227 passengers and 12 crew aboard presumed dead, the=
disappearance of Flight 370 was the deadliest incident involving a Boeing =
777 and the deadliest in Malaysia Airlines' history.
The search for the missing airplane, which became the most costly in aviati=
on history, focused initially on the South China and Andaman seas, before a=
nalysis of the aircraft's automated communications with an Inmarsat satelli=
te identified a possible crash site somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean.=
The lack of official information in the days immediately after the disappe=
arance prompted fierce criticism from the Chinese public, particularly from=
relatives of the passengers; most people on board Flight 370 were of Chine=
se origin. Several pieces of marine debris confirmed to be from the aircraf=
t washed ashore in the western Indian Ocean during 2015 and 2016. After a t=
hree-year search across 120,000 square kilometres (46,000 sq mi) of ocean f=
ailed to locate the aircraft, the Joint Agency Coordination Centre heading =
the operation suspended their activities in January 2017. A second search l=
aunched in January 2018 by the private contractor Ocean Infinity also ended=
without success after six months.
Based on my influence as the Account Officer of my late client/custome=
r, please I will like to present you as the new beneficiary/business partn=
er/Next of Kin who will receive this SAFE money. The process to have this =
money transferred into your bank account is very simple, safe and legal ba=
sed on my influence as a professional banker.
As a matter of fact, I want to move this money into your bank account =
before I can come over to your country to invest. I actually want to reloc=
ate to your country to start up a new life, so I want you to help me recei=
ve this money and also inform me of any good business which I can invest i=
nto because once the US$65Million is transferred into your bank account I =
will reward you with 60% (percent) of the total money. I will certainly pr=
ovide you with more details as soon as I read your response indicating you=
r interest to partner with me.
Please reply me immediately because this business transaction is 100% SAFE=
. You can also check on our bank website for my contact number and call me=
once you receive this email.
Mr. Gerald K. Goodman.
Executive Director. TRUST STANDARD PLC=20
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