From: "DocuSign" <>
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2020 07:19:04 +0200
Subject: Your United Nation Compensation Money
Attention: Sir/Madam Due to the petitions received by the UN, I Secretary-G=
eneral ; Mr. Antonio Guterres, from all over the continent in regards to th=
e fraudulent activities going on in the West Africa sub-region with securit=
y's agent and diplomats who has been delaying people's funds, consignment a=
nd valuables in their custody and demand outrageous fees to get their consi=
gnment released to them. We have been having a meeting for the passed 4 mon=
ths which ended 2 days ago with the former Secretary-General (Hon. Kofi Ann=
an) to the UNITED NATIONS. However, We went to other affiliate offices and =
set up this committee with sole aim of settling all these anomalies and due=
to that we are contacting you today in that regards. This email is to all =
people that have been scammed in any part of the world, the UNITED NATIONS =
have agreed to compensate them with the sum of USD 1,500,000,00 This includ=
es every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum,=
and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international busine=
sses that failed due to Government problems etc. We found your name in our =
list and that is why we are contacting you, these have been agreed upon and=
have been duly signed.Therefore, we are happy to inform you that an arrang=
ement has perfectly been concluded to effect your payment as soon as possib=
le in our bid of transparency. However, it is our pleasure to inform you th=
at your fund has been approved and upgraded in your favor which will be cre=
dited into your nominated bank account via (KTT) Bank to Bank Telex Telerap=
hic Transfer and Your transfer code number is: TT20/K232/99 take note of th=
is code for security reasons. Be informed that your response would be by te=
lephone or through email Only. Any further delay will be the pleasure of th=
e UNRC to use your fund to help the people who have been displaced in Darfu=
r, Sudan Africa which you can see it in this site and th=
e Tsunami's victims in Asia. So you are hereby advice to forward you whole =
information to my appointed secretary Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, you should s=
end her your full Name and telephone number/your correct mailing address wh=
ere you want her to send the fund to. Person to Contact: Mrs. Elizabeth Wil=
liams Cell phone +234-8037123164 Emails: mrselizabethwilliams332211@secreta= We are working according to the constitution binding this committee =
as well as helping the less privilege through this means. You will be requi=
red to contact the above mentioned institution via telephone or email. Hopi=
ng to hear from you as soon as you receive your fund. Making the world a be=
tter place Regards, Mr. Antonio Guterres (Secretary-General UNITED NATIONS)=
. If you have received this email in e=
rror. You are advise to delete this email or destroy the content of this em=
ail. Do not reply this email Contact the person above directly.