Greetings to you from METROPOLITAN POLICE UK., there is presently a counter claims on your funds by one MR.JOHN LEWIS this morning, who is presently trying to make us believe that you are dead and even explained that you entered into an agreement with him before your death. He was trying to divert your inheritance fund (US$16,602,000.00) to his personal bank account in New York yesterday. He told the bank that you are dead in car accident near your home on the 26th of June, 2020. Are you truly dead as he has claimed? Do you make anyone with the name John Lewis your next of kin? He submitted your death certificate to the bank and claiming that you are dead. We are currently investigating if you are dead or not after the bank contacted us with the information. We need to hear from you asap. He submitted your death certificate to the bank this morning and we are aske
Did you sign any Deed of Assignment in favor of (JOHN LEWIS), He further claimed that you died on the 26/June/2020 and you have been buried, thereby making him the current beneficiary with his following account details:
AC/NUMBER: 6503809428.
B/NAME: Bank of America (B.O.A),
We shall proceed to issue all payments details to the said Mr. John Lewis, if we do not hear from you within the next two working days from today.
Kindly provide us the below information's about yourself:
Your Name:
Full Contact Address:
Date of Birth:
Contact Phone Number:
Contact Fax Number (if any):
Contact Email Address:
You should provide us with the above information asap, if you want to claim your Fund today.
Let us know immediately you contact the bank today. Keep this email message and document confidential.
You should email us back immediately
Best Regards
Inspector James Olek.