From: "Mr. A.S Muazu"<>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2020 00:28:35 +0200
Subject: Revalidating Payments
HEAD OFFICE Nedbank Group Limited - Sandton 135 Rivonia Road, Sandown=
, 2196 South Africa. International dialing Tel: +27 739 775 257 Interna=
tional dialing Fax: +27 86 537 9138 Email: =
Dear Sir, I am Mr. A.S Muazu, the Foreign Operations Director of NedB=
ank Group of South Africa. There is presently a counter claim on your fund =
by one MR. JOHN RAMIREZ, who told us that you are dead, and that you instru=
cted him to claim your US$15.5M while you were sick in the hospital. The qu=
estion is; 1. Are you really bedridden as claimed by Mr., John Rami=
rez? If NO, please reply to this letter ASAP. If after 3 banking days we do=
n't hear from you, we will then accept Mr. Ramirez's claim and remit the fu=
nd to him accordingly. 2. Did you sign any Deed of Assignment with M=
R. JOHN RAMIREZ thereby making him the current beneficiary? If No, Please c=
ontact us immediately for a counter-check of the below submitted bank detai=
ls by Mr. Ramirez; MR JOHN RAMIREZ, AC/NUMBER: 6503809428. ROUTING/12=
2006743, B/NAME: CITI BANK, ADDRESS: NEW YORK, USA, We shall proceed to =
issue all payments details to the said MR. JOHN RAMIREZ, if we do not hear =
from you within the next 3 working days from today. Thanks, S=
incerely, Mr. A S Muazu. Email: Direct Tel: +27 734 =
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