From: "B. Grille" <>
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 2020 01:13:26 +0200
Subject: Good day.
Good Day, I am writing this letter in other to inform you of a business tha=
t will benefit both of us immensely as long as you will make up your mind t=
o co-operate accordingly but before going into details, I want you to take =
note that this business is not a child's play or something to toy with rath=
er it is a business that will give us the opportunity to make lots of money=
. I have been unjustly treated by my partner in a transaction so I seek you=
r help, attention and genuine co-operation to our mutual benefit and I beli=
eve that you will not let down the trust and confidence I am about to repos=
e on you. I have been working in an import and export firm that pays me abo=
ut two hundred dollars per month for the past ten years. I worked with this=
company as the product sourcing manager. Between the 17th - 19th of Feb., =
2014 a seminar was held in Bouake, Cote d'Ivoire of which I attended. While=
in the Seminar, I was opportuned to meet one Alhadji who introduced himsel=
f to me as the president and CEO of his company. This Alhaji is an accompli=
shed and well known millionaire farmer in this region. Apart from his farms=
here in Abidjan, he has cattle farms in MALI, SENEGAL, GUINEA, BURKINA FAS=
O and CHAD. Above all, he is one of the greatest suppliers of cattle, beef =
and other dairy products in this part of the West Coast. On knowing my prof=
ession, he took me into confidence by informing me about the purchase of a =
particular but very rare medicine for his cattle. He informed me about the =
huge amount of money he spends purchasing a particular cattle medicine. Pre=
cisely, he pays US$2,000 per carton. He asked if my organization could sour=
ce for a cheaper supplier for him. Back in my office, I carried out a marke=
t research and discovered that we could purchase this medicine cheaper some=
where in Europe for US$575.00 per carton. I discussed this proposal with my=
boss and he decided to handle the supply by himself. We moved a proposal t=
o the Alhaji to supply him with this vaccine at US$1,500.00 per carton whic=
h he accepted. My company made a very big financial breakthrough when we st=
arted supplying this vaccine to this wealthy farmer. As these supplies prog=
ressed my boss made huge profit from the contract.I requested for an increa=
se in my salary and my commission but my boss was so upset at my request th=
at he sacked me without benefits after ten years of dedicated service there=
by reneged on our agreement. I have since accepted it as one of life experi=
ences. I was so desperate that I went to Alhaji and informed him that I hav=
e a foreign contact that will be willing to supply him this same product at=
US$1,250. per carton. Alhaji in turn, confided in me that he is about to p=
lace order for 4500 cartons of this same medicine following a suspected out=
break of disease in his farms.I assured Alhaji that my foreign contact will=
be in the position to manufacture and supply to him this vaccine at a comp=
any rate of US$1,250 per carton. In fact, I convinced Alhaji that my former=
boss usually buys the medicine from my foreign contact and that is why he =
sells to him at a higher price. CONSEQUENTLY,I INFORMED HIM THAT HE WILL HA=
E TO HIM. Right now, he has stopped all communications with my boss. I ther=
efore wish to present you as my foreign contact so that you can handle the =
supplies to the Alhaji. If you can handle the contract, kindly contact me i=
mmediately for details and negotiations on what is going to be my commissio=
n. We will get the medicine from the producers at US$575 and supply the Alh=
aji at US$1250 per carton of 12 bottles(500ml). PLEASE CONTACT ME THROUGH M=
ng your response at the earliest. Sincerely Yours, Bernard Grille