From: "Kenneth Farrugia" <>
Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 01:56:47 -0700
Subject: Re:Deposit of a British.
Greetings from Malta,
This is in regards to my previous message to your email =
which I feel you didn=2019t receive, kindly accept my apology for sending y=
ou email without your consent. I believe you are a highly respected persona=
lity, considering the fact that I sourced your email contact from the peopl=
es search database on the web during my descry search for a competent forei=
gn partner whom can assist me in executing this project successfully. Altho=
ugh, I do not know to what extent you are familiar with events, I have a di=
screet proposal for you. This, however is not mandatory nor will I in any m=
anner compel you to honor against your will, but I hope you will read on an=
d consider my offer.
I'm Mr. Kenneth Farrugia, Chief Business Development Officer, Bank of Valle=
tta Plc, BOV Centre Canon Road, St. Venera SVR 9030, our client a British R=
ealtor and Forex Trader made a numbered of fixed deposit in our bank on 17t=
h February, 2010 for 24 calendar months with a value of US$18,000,000.00 (E=
ighteen Million US Dollars Only) before his death on 10th April, 2010. Afte=
r his death, my bank discovered that he did not declare any next of kin of =
his official documents including the paper work of his fixed deposit. I was=
his personal relationship banker for these years, and he did confide in me=
the last time he was at my office that no one knew of this deposit in my b=
ank. So, US$18,043,200.00 including accrued interest is still lying in my b=
ank, and no one will ever come forward to claim it. What bothers me most is=
that according to the laws of Malta, if the deposit account remain inactiv=
e for the next six months, and, no existing next of kin shows up, then the =
balance would be turned over to Central Bank of Malta as unclaimed deposits.
Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I will like you as a Br=
itish to stand as the next of kin/beneficiary of our late client, so that =
you will be able to claim the funds in question, and invest same in your re=
I want you to know that I have had everything planned out carefully so that=
we shall come out successful. I have contacted a Will & Probate Attorney t=
hat will prepare the necessary legal documents that will back you up as the=
next of kin of our late client. All that is required from you is to furnis=
h me with valid data so that the attorney will also file in for claims on y=
our behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your =
favor for the movement of the entire funds to a suitable finance company or=
numbered account that will be opened by you.
There is no risk involved at all in this matter as we are going to adopt a =
legalized method and the attorney will prepare all necessary legal document=
s that would empower you as the rightful heir to receive the funds in your =
names. Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerni=
ng this project. Once the funds have been re-profiled and transferred to yo=
ur designated bank account, we shall share in the ratio of 70% for me and 3=
0% for you. Should you be interested, please send me the following informat=
ion below:
Full Names:
Kind Regards,
Kenneth Farrugia.