From: Mrs Lang Wu <>
Date: Mon, 25 May 2020 11:08:36 +0200
Subject: Hello
Greetings to you in the name of the Almighty God. my name is Mrs Lang Wu Liwen from Malaysia. I am a widow to the Late Dr Liwem Yei, the former ambassador of Republic of China to Malaysia. We own Treasure Art Inc and Treasure Crude Oil Marketers, we are very wealthy we have lots of properties including Shares and houses. I am 64 years old a new Christian convert. I am suffering from cancer of the Pelvic my condition is serious, according to my doctor it is quite obvious that I may not survive the sickness.
My late husband and my only daughter died of Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) on the 2nd of December 2019 in Wuhan. After the death of my husband I made up my mind to do the work of God as a missionary. I sold all my husband's properties and shares to enable me raise some money to continue my mission. I raised the sum of 2.7 Million Dollars which I deposited in a Bank in Malaysia where i have planned to continue my mission work but now that my sickness has gone to this stage, I am scared and I want the funds to be used for the work of God all over the world.
I have prayed to God to direct me to an honest person who will receive this fund and utilize it for things that will glorify the name of God and to also help the needy in this time of this pandemic, after my prayers, I decided to searched this Internet site and i was divinely directed by God to you, I decided to contact you to receive the fund. This is on the condition that you will take only 60% of the fund for yourself, while you will distribute the remaining 40% to charity organizations in your community.
I can not predict what will be my fate by the time the funds will be transferred into your account, but you should please ensure that the fund is used as I have described above.
If you wish to assist me with my last wish do write back for clarification and information about the bank my funds was deposited and all valuable papers of deposit. I await your reply on my private email ( ).
GOD richly bless you as you help me.
Most sincerely,
Mrs Lang Wu Liwen
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