From: "Mariah Kreutz - WeCare Foundation COVID-19" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 09:15:02 +0800
Subject: Re: Save A COVID-19 Victim Today .......
Dear prospective donor,
These are unprecedented times but pardon my intrusion and permit me to introduce myself on this noble task of saving our own lives, when we extend the helping hand of saving just one soul at a time.
I am Mariah Kreutz, CEO of WeCare Foundation, a nonprofit organization with the sole purpose of fundraising and donation to assist, support and save victims presently suffering from the pandemic COVID-19 Corona Virus. Our motto - "United We Stand, Divided We Fall. All 4 One, One 4 All"
You MUST have seen the recent news coverage in print media, TV, Radio broadcasts and internet, you will agree with me that as a citizen of this planet Earth, that planet earth as a whole is seeing its worst humanitarian crisis and you will no doubt be as horrified as we are on the exponential growth and spreading of the scourge.
Our senior citizens and middle aged worldwide are most affected, we foresee an unimaginable tragedy in the nearest future combining the deadly dangers and horrors of poverty, hunger and starvation, a breakdown in medical and social structure when this scourge is unleashed on a full scale, particularly in less privileged countries such as Africa, Euro-Asia and South Americas.
There comes a time, when we need to heed a certain call, when the world must come together as one. That time is here and that time is NOW, because there are people dying, and it is time to lend a hand to life.
We are all a part of God's great big family - love is all we need.
Reports say lots of people are recovering from the virus. Now, that¡¯s the kind of news we want to hear. It¡¯s a sign that things will go back to normal if we all keep playing our part.
The shocking truth is that half the population of the world [including children] would be on the bank of starvation and will be in urgent need of the lifesaving aid you can help us provide.
I will be honest that is has been difficult for us to raise funds so desperately needed to help the victims caught up in this global disaster - but we MUST help OURSELVES by helping THEM.
We are pleading and asking you to please give what you can and you will be surprised at how much good you would have done to save a soul.
If the goal and cause of this non-profit organization has appealed to you, and you have the intention of donating to this cause, you should reply with your genuine intention and we shall provide you with the additional information you will need to make your donation.
Thanking you in advance for saving a soul.
Mariah Kreutz
President & CEO