From Desk Of Michael R. Pompeo
USA Secretary of State
Refund Payment Committee
Federal Executive Council Washington DC USA.
Good Day,
This letter is written in order to change your life from today. Please note that this letter came to you as a result of information received from our monitoring network regarding so much payments which you sent through Western
Union and Money Gram to Europe, USA, Asia and Africa and some other part of the World without receiving any payment to your name, further investigation reveals that you have lost hope towards receiving your payment after being deceived so many times.
Following the on going re-branding of USA policies, the Federal Government of USA have directed our committee to compensate/refund the sum of $6,500,000 to you through payment by ATM CARD being one of the most convenient
means of receiving payment World Wide. We wish to inform you that the members of Refund Payment Committee are honorable men of Great Repute and integrity who have served the Government of USA in different capacities.
We also wish to inform you that the Committee members were appointed by our respected President Donald Trump to pay 250 million Dollars to the listed beneficiaries that have lost their money to the scammer and have not yet
receive their total sum.
Contact Mr Eric Roberts member of the Refund Payment Committee, he will guide you on how your payment will be release to you. Please let him know that this letter is from Michael R. Pompeo Secretary of State.
His Contact Details:
Name: Mr Eric Roberts
In order for you to receive your payment this week, you are advice to contact Mr Eric Roberts on his email and make sure you ANSWERS to the Questions below.
(1) Your Full Name
(2) Your Direct telephone. Fax Number ( if any)
(3) How Many Months Or Years in which You Have Been Expecting your Payment
(4) The Place you sent Money Last whether Nigeria or London,Malaysia,Benin Republic etc
(5) The Last Amount of Money You sent indicating What Month and Year
From Michael R. Pompeo
USA Secretary of State
Refund Payment Committee
Federal Executive Council Washington DC USA.
From Mr. Michael R. Pompeo
USA Secretary of State
Refund Payment Committee
Federal Executive Council Washington DC USA.
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