From: "Dlamini Zuma" (may be fake)
Reply-To: "Dlamini Zuma"<>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 10:08:16 +0100
Subject: Foreign Business Partnership For the Year 2020
From: Dlamini Zuma
116 Pretoria Avenue, Sandton =
Johannesburg South Africa =
Hello ,
Request for Confidential Business Relationship
First, I must solicit your confidence in this transaction. I am a high plac=
ed official working with (Department of Minerals and Energy Resources), in =
JHB South Africa. I am currently in need of a silent foreign partner whose =
identity we can use to transfer the sum of (USD$10777000M) Ten Million Seve=
n hundred and sventy seven U.S. dollars. This fund accrued legitimately to =
us as commission from foreign contracts, through our private connections.
The fund is presently waiting to be remitted from a local bank here in Sout=
h Africa to any overseas beneficiary confirmed by us as associate/receiver.=
By virtue of our positions as civil servants in my country, we cannot acqu=
ire this money in our names. Because as high placed civil servants, i am no=
t allowed by the civil service code of conduct to own or operate bank accou=
nts outside of our shores. On the other hand, it is not safe for me to keep=
the money here due to unstable political environment.
I have been looking for an overseas silent partner who could work with me t=
o facilitate transfer of this fund for our mutual benefit, hence the reason=
for this email.
What I am requesting from you is: =
(1) To be my silent partner and Receive the funds as the sole benefactor to=
the contract amount which we shall secure all legal documentation to authe=
nticate my claim. =
(2) Provide a private telephone and fax number for easy communication under=
your control.
(3)Receive the funds as the beneficiary, take out your commission and keep =
the rest of the money until I arrive there to meet you after the transfer i=
s completed.
My proposal is that after you receive the funds, it would be shared as foll=
ows: =
(1) 30% to you as commission for your co-operation and assistance in facili=
tating the transfer, while the remaining 70% belongs to me. You will be fre=
e to take out your commission immediately after the money hits your country=
. Since my objective is to invest the money in a foreign country, it would =
be appreciated if you could also help us with advices and direction on inve=
sting into profitable ventures in your country.
However, this is optional, and if it is not convenient for you to Further a=
ssist me with investing the money, I can end our cooperation after you make=
available to me my part of the money.
The transaction, although discrete, is legitimate and the money will be tra=
nsferred successful with all necessary back-up official documents showing l=
egitimate source/origin of fund. The transfer will be effected within a per=
iod not longer than two weeks as soon as we reach an agreement and you furn=
ish me with a suitable response indicating your interest for processing the=
transfer. I plead with you on one issue, whether you are interested or not=
, kindly do not expose this information to any one else.
I confirm that the transaction is legitimate and without any risks either t=
o us or yourself. Please, give me your response immediately by return mail
Yours Faithfully, =
Dlamini Zuma
My Direct Email.
116 Pretoria Avenue, Sandton =
Johannesburg South Africa=20