From: Mr. Mboweni<>
Date: 15 Mar 2020 17:37:46 -0700
Subject: Good Reliable Partner-
I hereby formally ask your consent to present you with this mutual investment opportunity for consideration, based on my private search via the (F.C.C) for a reliable partner with the capacity to go into a beneficial business partnership. Due to the sensitivity and political position of the person's involved in his country- Angola, I have been mandated to source for a foreign partner solely for safe keeping / re-Investments of his Assets / funds in excess of US$155.7m in form of Investment
Funding , Foreign Loan or Joint Venture.
Once I am convinced on your ability to handle the said Assets, maintain absolute and non-disclosure of sensitive information thereby keeping all details at your disposals very confidential, I will provide you with necessary information and documentations relating to the said Assets and particulars of the client for your perusal. If you have the required management skills and capacity, Viable projects or possible investment opportunities, existing business that requires financial support on any
level, said assets / funds could be transitioned into an Investment Fund under your sole management and operations for an agreed terms which will be exchanged in form of MOU/Partnership agreement.
Am available to discuss the above subject in details, please feel free to connect with me on the below mentioned number on receipt of this message for any questions and clarification, Thanking you for your time in reading my message, while I look forward to hearing back from you soon and hoping you would treat the content with utmost discretion. Should you have further interest in our business collaboration options and to see our full procedures, please send us your official interest asap
via the email address listed below.
Yours Truly
Mr G. A. Mboweni
Senior Associate,
Investment Manager
Mobile: + 447418448123