From: "Mr Jonas Armstrong" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2020 07:57:09 -0800
Subject: Head, Investment Advisory Board
Dear Sir,
My name is Mr Jonas Armstrong, A senior Associate with Dexim Investment Solutions UK Limited, I work as an Investment Portfolio Manager with Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, Lloyds Premier, Private Banking department mostly for private clients and Government personals. I have been able to manage a few Investment Portfolio for private ultra-high net worth clients from different countries but mostly the Sub Saharan Countries and a few from the Gulf region.
My scope of obligation is to create and fund investments opportunity with available funds in form of BONDS in any profitable short term ventures with calculated risk and maximum profit return for my client. In recent times, I have been able to secure unlimited authority due to my financial projections and decisions making on Investments which has yielding a good ROI for my clients.
In one of the investment venture (Internal Trading in Securities), a huge profit was made and it is yet to be recorded, this was based on the partner’s decision to buy out the clause on the contract prior to the contract expiration date for 2022. I intend to re-profile the profit in excess of US$78,000,000.00 using the assistance a foreign partner who owns a good operating business as the beneficiary in confidence as partners.
Can you be trusted and would like to make use of this opportunity to partner with me in this venture, hence my main reason of contacting you as the profit on investment will be paid to you / your company as an Investment funding, Loan or Joint Venture for a project under a mutual understanding with no legal and binding implication, thereby no liability on your side and as well zero risk to your person / company.
If you can, please write me back immediately on the below mentioned email address, I shall be pleased to discuss in details and share more information with you.
IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED, KINDLY DELETE THE EMAIL AND DISREGARD THE CONTENT. Many thanks for your anticipated understanding and Kind co-operation.
Sincere regards,
Mr Jonas Armstrong
Senior Associate,
Head, Investment Advisory Board
Dexim Investment Solutions UK Limited