From: J.P. Morgan Chase Bank <>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2020 21:36:03 -0800
Attention: Beneficiary, I am Stephen McCashin, The Managing Director, JP Mo=
rgan Chase Bank. San Francisco, CA 94105, United States Branch. This is the=
second time we are notifying you about your abandoned fund. After due vett=
ing and evaluation of your file that was sent from your Fund originated ban=
k, This bank has an instruction to see to the immediate release of the sum =
of (US$5 Million) claims, out of the total amount due to you that has been =
held on since it has to be transferred into your bank Account from their Do=
miciliary Account with this bank. We were meant to understand from our find=
ings that you have been going through hard ways by paying a lot of charges =
to see to the release of your funds, which has been the handwork of some mi=
screant elements from African Country. especially Nigeria. We advice that y=
ou stop further communication with any correspondence from them,or anywhere=
concerning your funds, We know your representatives in anywhere will advic=
e you to still go ahead with them, which will be on your own risk. Your (US=
$5Million) will reflect in your designated bank account within five Bank wo=
rking days. Do not go through anybody again but through this Bank (JP Morga=
n Chase Bank) if you really want your fund. I want to assist you to make su=
re you have this fund in your possession easily. So, email your response di=
rectely to my private email <> to enable me hand=
le your transfer personally and make it perfect. Finally, you are adviced t=
o re-confirm these to me, your contact address Telephone and Fax Number for=
easy communication. Stephen McCashin. Managing Director JP Morgan Chase Ba=
nk 560 Mission St Floor 23, San Francisco, CA 94105, United States