From: "Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 10:56:26 +0000
Hello My name is Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP. I am the new Chancellor of the Exch=
equer (HM Treasury) in the United Kingdom. I am writing you with regards to=
your stalled funds transfer you have been expecting all these years. Pleas=
e all correspondences should be sent to: I was specially instructed by the =
Office of the new Prime Minister (Boris Johnson) to embark on a personal re=
view of all long pending and stalled International Transfer Files of all Ba=
nks Operating in the United Kingdom, including those at our Offshore Foreig=
n Correspondent Banks in the last government,with a view of redeeming genui=
ne cases of Transfers, and consigning others as bad debt. The office of the=
new Prime Minister has mandated me to ensure that all genuine claim and tr=
ansfers are paid. The Government of the U.K took this major step in address=
ing these problems of all stalled transfers as a result of the global finan=
cial crisis that has affected banks by establishing the HM Treasury Debt of=
fice to take over payment responsibility on behalf of all banks operating i=
n the UK. The creation of the HM Debt office consolidates debt management f=
unctions by the new Prime Minister as a result of the global financial melt=
-down for ensuring proper coordination of all payments emanating for the U.=
K. The HM Debt office centralizes and coordinates the country's debt record=
ing and management activities, including debt service forecasts; transfers =
payments; and advising on debt negotiations as well as new borrowings. It a=
lso provides for the establishment of a supervisory board that has oversigh=
t functions on all banks operating in the UK as well as endorsement of stra=
tegic thrusts and policies for the organization,consistent with the broad p=
olicy objectives of government. Your transfer file came to my attention jus=
t this morning, and I was compelled to take special interest in your transf=
er because of its peculiar history of procedural inconsistencies and unauth=
orized payment approval documents that are contained in your file. Conseque=
ntly, I have this morning ordered the heads of all the relevant Government =
Departments genuinely involved in the foreign transfer protocol and the Ban=
k to suspend all further action on your transfer pending conclusion of my p=
ersonal investigation into the actual reasons why your transfer has failed =
to date. Official memos have been issued to the relevant departments. Howev=
er, preliminary evidence shows clearly that some fraudulent persons have ta=
ken advantage your stalled transfer and have been extorting monies from you=
through concocted excuses and lies, only for them to divert the monies col=
lected from you to their private pockets and return back to demand more mon=
ies from you endlessly. Please you should not allow yourself to be deceived=
and extorted anymore. As Chancellor of the Exchequer (HM Treasury) in the =
United Kingdom, I want to assure you that your transfer will now be process=
ed through the simple, transparent and authoritative means where you will n=
ot be required to pay any unauthorized fees. Please discontinue any form of=
contact with all those you have been dealing with before now, no matter th=
e nature of your relationship with any of these crooks, including your loca=
l attorney. My intention is to quickly reactivate and sort out your transfe=
r without any distraction. Reply immediately to acknowledge this advice, an=
d I will instruct you further. Regards, Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP Chancellor of=
the Exchequer Reply to: