From: "Pedro Ignacio" <>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2019 22:23:45 +0100
Subject: Dear
Av de la Hispanidad, 6, 28042 Madrid Espana
Mr. Pedro Ignacio (Accounts Department)
Dear =
Address:PO BOX 1159 CA 96039
Firstly, I must solicit your confidence in this transaction; this is by vi=
rtue of its nature as being utterly confidential. Though I know that a tran=
saction of this magnitude will make one apprehensive and worried, but I am =
assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day. =
Let me start by first introducing myself properly to you. It may surprise =
you receiving this letter from me, since there was no previous corresponden=
ce between us. My name is Pedro Ignacio and I am the account officer to Lat=
e Mr. Alain . He died along with his only daughter in the year 2013 in an a=
utomobile accident in Malaga, Spain. =
My intention of contacting you is to crave your participation in securing =
the funds left behind by deceased Alain in our financial institution amount=
ing to =20AC 34.700.000 Euros which is prone to being confiscated for dorma=
ncy and prone to being declared unserviceable by the Bank audit department.
The Bank has issued me the final notice to contact the next of kin of dece=
ased Alain, referred to as the account holder before the next general audit=
of our financial institution or else, the account will be declared unservi=
ceable and the fund will be diverted to the Bank treasury as unclaimed publ=
ic funds. All my efforts to get in contact with any of his relative has bee=
n futile. =
For this reason, I contacted you because you have the same last name with =
my deceased client, I ask you for your consent to present you to the bank a=
s beneficiary to the funds.
All the legal documentations to back up your claim as my client's next of =
Kin, I shall provide them. All I require is your honest cooperation to enab=
le us complete this transaction and achieve this goal. I wish to point out =
that I suggest 10% of this money to be donated to Charity Organizations, wh=
ile the remaining 90% is shared equally between us. Be assured that my prop=
osal to you is entirely risk free. I will use my position as Mr. Alain 's A=
ccount Officer to guarantee the successful execution of this transaction wi=
thout any hitch. =
Kindly reply me on my private email for more secured communication. Upon y=
our response, I shall then provide you with more details and relevant docum=
ents for your understanding.
The intended transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement t=
hat will protect you from any infraction of the law. However, if this busin=
ess proposition offends your moral ethics, do accept my sincere apology. If=
on the contrary you wish to achieve this goal with me, kindly get back to =
me with your interest for further explanation. =
Kindest Regards,
Pedro Ignacio