From: "Franklin karen" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 10:23:36 -0700
Subject: Private Account Officer
Hello, How are you doing today? My Name is Mrs Karen.Am from Scotland, where are you from? Are you a dedicated Christian? or a Muslim pls reply today. I
will be waiting for your email My Regards, Karen. Thanks so much for your urgent message I needed someone that I can trust with a charity work. I have been Diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer of the Lungs
according to my Doctor I will die an moment.Thanks for message been badly treated by close associates. we discovered this illness very late, due to my laxity in carrying for my health. It has defiled all
forms of medicine, and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts.
I am repented Christian now and God has put it in my mind to give out the rest of my Money to Charity, I don't trust all the Monks here in Scotland after the Gay
I want you to Distribute these Funds to people that need it. I am 59yrs old and God has really Blessed me with fortunes.
I will wait here for your Response before I go ahead and inform my Lawyer about my intentions.
Please do all things possible to make my wish come through. Email Me On: (,
My Regards,
Mrs Karen Franklin