From: Mrs.Stella Gilbert <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2019 02:32:13 -0700
Hello friend,
I'm Mrs.Stella Gilbert. How are you doing? It's my pleasure to meet you and am happy with my life now and i have something good and confidential to share with you here. Have you been told or heard about the Federal Government Department of Workers Compensation Appeals Board (F.G.W.C.A.) glasses emoticon? It's an Empowerment Program to help the people especially the old age,adult and the youth across the world, have you got yours too from the agent in-charge yet? I'm so happy because i got $100,000 from them, they have been trying to get hold of you. Should i give you the agent contact , so you can claim yours too? You are to message the agent that a friend told you about the federal government grant and you are here to request for your grant money too.
When i contacted the agent he explained how i was chosen to be a Winner. And said i'll have to fill out a form, i did that immediately and send it back to the agent. I'm very Happy cause when i receive the money, I paid off all my old bills Moreover, I was told to pay for case file and tax clearance fees before the bank can wire my winning money into my personal bank account, I choose $100,000.00 and the charges was $1000, thats all i did to get my winnings. I was also some kinda skeptical that it sounds too good to be true when i was told to pay upfront but i did it with faith and was amazed when i saw the money in my account.
Await to read from you.
Thank You,
Mrs.Stella Gilbert.