From: (sent from abused email account)
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Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2019 21:55:23 -0700
Subject: Can i Confide In You?
Good day,
How are you doing this day? I hope you are doing perfectly fine.
My name is DR. MOHD RUDDIN BIN AB GHANI, a Malaysian Citizen. I got your contact from a social media/business journal which i found your profile satisfying and decided to contact you based on my desire to invest in any viable project in your region.I was a member of the Malaysian parliament just before the present administration of Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohammad. Since we are no longer in office and in opposition party, i had to go in exile to New Zealand but now the New Zealand is no longer safe especially as a MUSLIM.
Unfortunately we were attacked at the Christchurch Mosque, New Zealand while we were worshiping but i was fortunate enough to survive the terror attack and had to move to Australia to seek asylum presently.
I am contacting you for Joint partnership investment and to assist me locate any viable and lucrative investment in your region since i want to move out my funds from a finance house in New Zealand. I would want this to be as strictly confidential as possible considering my former position in Government of Malaysia and as an ASYLUM SEEKER presently in Australia. But can i trust you???
However, I will appreciate if you can guide me on the type of investment that will be of best interest and good benefit in your region and also act as an investment manager on my behalf since i’m ready to invest the total sum of Fourteen Million, Seven Hundred thousand United States Dollars ($ 14,700,000) which is all i have in New Zealand.
I'll appreciate a detailed response with your telephone number if you are willing to assist me with total commitment and sincerity. Because i want to confide in you as Allah has never led me to a wrong person, so i believe i can trust you.
Tel: +61-488-893-2318
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