From: "Mr. Nwaneri Williams" <>
Reply-To: "Mr. Nwaneri Williams" <>
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2019 08:21:23 +0100
Subject: Re:Dear Sir. Reply Urgently!
Dear Sir,
Do accept my sincere apologies if my mail does not meet your personal ethic=
s. May I briefly introduce myself to you, My name is Mr. Nwaneri Williams w=
ith a law chambers here in Benin Republic
However, though it may surprise you receiving this letter from me since the=
re has been no previous correspondence between us, nevertheless I am please=
d to contact you with regard to my late client, Who died along with his ent=
ire family on 25th December 2003 in a plane crash. =
As a matter of fact, before the untimely death of my client, he made a fixe=
d deposit of the total sum of $6.1Million US-Dollars, with his bank here in=
Benin Rep; I was his legal advising counselor on the deposited fund and ot=
her issues, in which I was issued with a Power of Attorney duly endorsed in=
the High Court of Justice when the fund deposit was made.
Consequently, being the personal attorney to my late client, the bank has i=
ssued me a notice to provide the next of kin to my late client for the fund=
to be released to him/her, or they may have his account closed and fund co=
nfiscated into the bank or government treasury. This, I have unsuccessfully=
made several attempts and contacts to locate any of my clients extended re=
latives, but still to no avail.
However, since you and my late client has the same last name, I solicit to =
nominate you as the next of kin / relative to my deceased client for the cl=
aim and transfer of the fund into your bank account through my arrangement =
and directives which is very legal and secured as I will guide you accordin=
gly in following up all the required process in a very professional manner =
and confidentiality whereby we will obtain the legal document required
in backing up the claim and release of the fund to you promptly without any=
breach of law.
You accept to carry out this project with me, I will offer you 40% of the t=
otal sum, while I will take 60% of the total sum. Upon your acceptance to d=
o this deal with me, we will jointly effect the transfer within eight worki=
ng days. This transaction is totally free of risk and troubles as the fund =
is legitimate and does not originate from drug, money laundry, terrorism or=
any other illegal act. On your interest, let me hear from you along with y=
our Telephone contact for more clarification.
Please do contact me immedietly
Barr. Nwaneri Williams
Tell: +229 69198890
Maro-Militaire close,
Airport Road, B.P. 2461 Cotonou