Dear All,
RE: Beneficial business connection:
We are an established entity here in the Middle East with series of closed deals and strong partnerships achieved by years of continuous diligence, trust and uninterrupted attention to our clients.
We are currently expanding our investment portfolio outside the gulf region having engaged in a wide spectrum of economic activities. We are currently interested in discussing projects/transactions in need of debt finance [loan] only.
Below are brief on the Investment Portfolio:
Minimum/Maximum Funding size: $1 Million to $100 Million USD
Term: 2-10 years – Repayment/ Renewable tenure.
We have a broad view on investment banking from expertise of our team. We identify entrepreneurial skills, strong partnership, leadership experience and possible investments all in the vain to increase our overall portfolio. Based on the above information, we shall be glad to receive your Project
Plan/Executive Summary in a compatible format (PDF -recommended) for our review. Reply if interested and have viable business proposal to present.
Allah Bless,
Mr. Mishal Kanoo
Chief Financial Officer.
Gulf Capital Limited

Al Fattan Currency House
Office 2802, Level 28, Tower 2
Dubai International Financial Centre
P.O. Box 506965
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Regulated by the DFSA
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