From: "National Lottery Promotion Cash award " <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2018 03:13:12 -0800
Subject: =?utf-8?q?Congratulation_your_email_has_won_=C2=A3_650=2C000_Pounds_Sterl?=
Attention Lucky Winner,
We happily announce to you the end of the
year 2018 draw of National Lottery Promotion Cash award at our Lotto Draw H=
eadquarters London, United Kingdom organized by NATIONAL LOTTERY and sponso=
red by YAHOO/MSN AND MICROSOFT WINDOWS in which all active E-mail address a=
re gathered and 500 Lucky emails are selected through (E.R.S.L.S) Email Ran=
dom Selection Lottery System. We wish to congratulation you as your email e=
merge as one of the lucky winner of =A3 650,000 Pounds Sterling attached to=
WINNERS REFERENCE NUMBER (YM111388540489 ) No ticket was sold all selectio=
n is in accordance to our newly introduced Digital Lottery Programmed which=
involves the use of email addresses, after many winners who won was unable=
to claim their won amount , you can read more on unclaimed Prize here: htt=
Winners are advised to claim their won amount by sending their WINNERS REFE=
RENCE NUMBER (YM111388540489 ) to the claims agent , along side with the Be=
low details for payment processing.
(**) Your Full names:
(**) Your Telephone Number
(**) Your Contact address:
(**) Your Occupation:
(**) Your Country:
(**) Your Age & Sex:
(**) And your lucky number above:
(**) Have you won online Before ?
(**) Scan Copy of your International Passport or ID CARD.
(**) Send a Copy of your Winners Certificate.
Full Name : Albert Klein
Email :
Telephone : +448447744878
Any prize not claimed within this period (10 days) from now will be forfeit=
ed. For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this information co=
nfidential from the public notice until your claims is processed and releas=
ed to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming a=
nd unwarranted taking advantage of this program by non-participant or unoff=
icial personnel.
Attached is your Winners Certification.
Prof.Jerry Hoffman.
Head Of Lottery Coordinator.