From: "Steven T Mnuchin" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2018 21:18:56 -0300
Subject: Good Day,
I am Steven T Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury under the U.S. Department of the Treasury. You can get more details about me here; and attached is my identity card for confirmation of office.
At the recently concluded meeting with the World Bank and the United Nations, an agreement was reached between both parties for us to settle all outstanding payments accrued to individuals/corporations with respect to local and overseas contract payment, debt re-scheduling, outstanding compensation payment and lottery funds.tis is more concentrated on your lottery f212.59.34.24unds.
Fortunately, you have been selected alongside a few other beneficiaries to receive your own payment of $1.5million (One Million five hundred thousand United States Dollars only).
We have been notified that you are yet to receive your fund valued at $1.5million this money will now be transferred to your nominated bank account, A check delivery or Delivery of Master Card ATM.
Feel Free to contact me with below details:
Email :
Phone Number: +1 (630) 448-7571
Looking forward to hearing from you and God Bless America
Secretary Steven T Mnuchin
Treasury Department USA
Note: This transaction is %100 legal with the security of the FBI